Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Grape Jelly Part 2

So, I was on my way to the White house. I decided to take the bus, because...well...it's kind of a long walk from New Haven, Indiana! So, I get on the bus with my backpack full of bologna and grape jelly sandwiches, a pair of socks, underwear, and a pink flamingo (trust me, they come in handy!). I pick a seat that is at the back of the bus. When I first get on the bus, there's like...NO ONE except me, the driver, and a weird woman mumbling, "The flies are going to eat me, the flies are going to eat me!" I was all like, "That's weird!"

So, I finally get to the White House, and they have to check my backpack. (Don't tell anyone this, but I think one of the guards stole one of my sandwiches! I was soooo mad!) They give me my bag back, and they take me to a room with lots of pictures, and a statue of a man dressed like a pirate. I was all like, "Whoa! Nice pirate!" and George was all like, "Thanks! I like that pirate!" and then I was like, "I wish I had a pirate like that!" and then he said, "Everyone wishes they had a pirate like that!"

So, we sit down to eat grape jelly sandwiches, and we start talking about how Fruit Loops can make you look like a block of cheese! George was like "Whoa...that totally happened to a guy I knew in Denmark!" I was all like, "Whoa! That's scary!" George was all like, "But, it doesn't happen every time you eat Fruit Loops, so that makes it scary. Man, I used to LOVE Fruit Loops!" I was all like, "Who doesn't like Fruit Loops?" and George said, "People who eat them and then turn into blocks of cheese!" Then I said, "Good point man!"

So, we just kept talking about really important things like, grape jelly, and fish, and the govenor of Rhoade Island! We were interupted by Mrs. George and she was all like, "George! There's a crisis with grape jelly! They need you now!"

I was going to leave, but then I remembered something! I brought my pink flamingo! So, I said, "Wait! I have my pink flamingo!" George was like, "No way! That could save the world!"

-The End

-Will the pink flamingo save the world?

- Will grape jelly EVER be seen again?

-And most importantly, will pigs fly?!?!?!

-Tune in to see what happens!

Grape Jelly Part 1

Ok, so yesterday I was walking down the street, and I saw a car, a red car, a red car with black stripes, a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror. Well, I was like, "Whoa! That's a fantabulous red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" and the guy driving it was like, "Yea, I know...I love my red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" Then, I was like, "Dude, I wish I had a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" and he was like, "Everyone wants a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!"

So, I just kept walking after seeing that red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror. I was on my way to the grocery store to get bologna and grape jelly. I finally get to the store and I can't find the grape jelly! So, I go up to the counter and I'm all like, "Dude, where's the grape jelly?!" He was like, "Dude man, I don't know!" So, we're looking for the grape jelly when a man looking like a block of cheese walks in, the guy from the counter is all like, "Dude, nice cheese costume!" and the cheese guy was all like, "It's not a costume! This is the way I looked after I ate Fruit Loops!" and counter guy was all like, "Whoa man! I'm never eating Fruit Loops again! No way am I going to look like a block of cheese!" So, the cheese guy leaves and we are still looking for the grape jelly! We can't find it, so he makes me some from his grape tree out in the back of the store. So, I'm waiting for the counter guy to finish making the grape jelly, when George Bush walks in. I was all like, "Whoa! You're the president! What are you doing here?!?!" and George was all like, "Cuz, I want some grape jelly!" I was like, "Good thing the counter guy is making some right now!" So, we gave George the grape jelly, and he said that we could come to the White House and eat grape jelly sandwiches with him time!

I finally get my jelly, and I am on my way home. I totally see this girl walking down the street, and I was like, "Whoa, weren't you in my homeroom once?!" and she was all like, "No way! I've never even seen you before! Get away you grape jelly freak!" I was sooooo mad, that I just kept walking home. So, I get home and have my self a bologna and grape jelly sandwich and call up ole George Bush, and go to the White House!

-The End

Monday, July 11, 2005

Does anyone else
think that
Josh Groban
is the bomb?

I think that
he has an
amazing voice!



Sunday, July 10, 2005

Rock, paper, scissors

I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no freaking way Paper can beat Rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? Why the heck can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why isn't notebook paper constantly suffocating students while they take notes in class? I'll tell you why: because paper can't beat anybody; a rock would tear that stuff up in 2 seconds. When I play rock/paper/scissors, I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to beat me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist and say, "Oh crap, I'm sorry. I thought paper would protect you, you jerk!"

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Weekly Quote

Josh Billings Quotes

Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there. Josh Billings

Thursday, June 23, 2005

not happy

Okay, so this week has been anything but exciting. I
haven't seen Randy in like a week, except for today when I had the chance to meet him
at Walmart, but that was for like a split 3 seconds. I haven't had the chance to
really, really, really, spend time with him. I have been working this week basically
duing lunch, and then spending time with my cousins from Texas. Nothing to dramatic,
just a lot of chilling.


I swear he is a fuckin lazy ass and I want to kick him in the ovaries!!! GRRRR!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Weekly Quote

There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.

Josh Billings

Superly Pissed

Okay, so I was very pissed last night. Randy was having this party and some of my friends were going to be there. I haven't seen Randy since Friday night, but I haven't really had the chance to spend time with him, so I wanted to go. I also haven't seen some of my friends for a really long time, so again, another reason to go. Well anyway, on our way back (my family) from my family reunion at McCormick's Creek State Park, my mom dropped me off at work. I guess when she came home, she got onto my computer and my msn messenger was up. She viewed my inbox and saw emails from Match.com. When she picked me up from work, she was super pissed that I had signed up for something like that and that is was a whorish act and that there are perverts on there mainly and couldn't believe that I would actually meet them. When in reality when I signed up for hotmail, hotmailed signed me up for Match.com and created me a profile, so I didn't sign up for it. And number two I would never meet anyone off of there anyway, just a friend to chat with. I mean come on, I live in basically a secluded area. Being gay, I don't know a lot of other gay people so I feel a little bit lonely. It would feel nice to know that I have others similar to me to fall back on (besides Randy). Then she was going to take away my laptop, but she hasn't yet. GRRRRR! I wish she would just let me go and live my life. I appreciate her trying to protect and watch over, but damn. I am almost 18, and going to be a senior. Let me live my life and make my own mistakes or how am I going to learn. I am actually smarter than what I act or appear to be.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Newest Fad

Back in the day, one of the main issues was racism. Racism of Latin American, Chinese, Indian, and mostly African Americans. Many immigrants and colored people suffered through years of torment and suffering. In fact, some of that racism still exists today. But how? The racism living in today's society is not of that towards African American, but homosexuality...people who are different from the normal. I believe that in the 21st century, many people face more criticism for being openly gay than being black. But why? Society fears change, they cannot/nor do not care to understand or accept. Homosexuality IS in fact different from heterosexuality, but on one basis, the preference of a sex. So why is that we are condemned to the pit of hell or made tragic in the eyes of humans. We are merely the same: skin, eyes, hair, emotions, physical. We are made to live in fear, fear for our lives. When people cannot accept what they do not understand, they retaliate. The lives of many homosexuals are endangered while some live peacefully. Those of us who are endangered have an unconditional fear of being brutally beaten, both physically and verbally/mentally. I, however, strongly believe that we are the most unique. Although living with that fear, we continue to face the world full-on, without looking back in doubt. We are a minority in reality, but a majority at heart. I've learned not to be afraid of who I am, but to embrace it. Life cannot and will not go on if we hide from what we must face.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


So I went to Purdue this weekend...what an exciting thing! I was attending the North Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. If you didn't attend, let me tell you...you didn't miss anything exciting! While I was down there, I go to visit my friend Melissa. She is the bomb of all bombs, the coolest of all cool, and ???.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Wise Old Man

"It is not the critc who counts, not the
man who points out how the strong man
stumbled or where the doer of deeds could
have done them better. The credit
belongs to the man who is actually in the
arena, whose face is marred with dust and
sweat and blood...and who, if he fails,
at least fails while daring greatly, so that
his place shall never be with those cold and
timid souls who know neither victory or
-Theodore Roosevelt