Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Newest Fad

Back in the day, one of the main issues was racism. Racism of Latin American, Chinese, Indian, and mostly African Americans. Many immigrants and colored people suffered through years of torment and suffering. In fact, some of that racism still exists today. But how? The racism living in today's society is not of that towards African American, but homosexuality...people who are different from the normal. I believe that in the 21st century, many people face more criticism for being openly gay than being black. But why? Society fears change, they cannot/nor do not care to understand or accept. Homosexuality IS in fact different from heterosexuality, but on one basis, the preference of a sex. So why is that we are condemned to the pit of hell or made tragic in the eyes of humans. We are merely the same: skin, eyes, hair, emotions, physical. We are made to live in fear, fear for our lives. When people cannot accept what they do not understand, they retaliate. The lives of many homosexuals are endangered while some live peacefully. Those of us who are endangered have an unconditional fear of being brutally beaten, both physically and verbally/mentally. I, however, strongly believe that we are the most unique. Although living with that fear, we continue to face the world full-on, without looking back in doubt. We are a minority in reality, but a majority at heart. I've learned not to be afraid of who I am, but to embrace it. Life cannot and will not go on if we hide from what we must face.

1 comment:

mELLISsa said...

hun... your young, your new to the world...
one thing ive learned is that it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks... i mean come on who really cares what some crazy lady thinks about your prefrence in sexuality... your color of skin... you taste in music... it will only matter if you let it matter... no need to get pissed, its their loss...

dont worry... your cool just as you are, who really cares what anyone else thinks :-D