Monday, June 20, 2005

Superly Pissed

Okay, so I was very pissed last night. Randy was having this party and some of my friends were going to be there. I haven't seen Randy since Friday night, but I haven't really had the chance to spend time with him, so I wanted to go. I also haven't seen some of my friends for a really long time, so again, another reason to go. Well anyway, on our way back (my family) from my family reunion at McCormick's Creek State Park, my mom dropped me off at work. I guess when she came home, she got onto my computer and my msn messenger was up. She viewed my inbox and saw emails from When she picked me up from work, she was super pissed that I had signed up for something like that and that is was a whorish act and that there are perverts on there mainly and couldn't believe that I would actually meet them. When in reality when I signed up for hotmail, hotmailed signed me up for and created me a profile, so I didn't sign up for it. And number two I would never meet anyone off of there anyway, just a friend to chat with. I mean come on, I live in basically a secluded area. Being gay, I don't know a lot of other gay people so I feel a little bit lonely. It would feel nice to know that I have others similar to me to fall back on (besides Randy). Then she was going to take away my laptop, but she hasn't yet. GRRRRR! I wish she would just let me go and live my life. I appreciate her trying to protect and watch over, but damn. I am almost 18, and going to be a senior. Let me live my life and make my own mistakes or how am I going to learn. I am actually smarter than what I act or appear to be.

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