Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Grape Jelly Part 1

Ok, so yesterday I was walking down the street, and I saw a car, a red car, a red car with black stripes, a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror. Well, I was like, "Whoa! That's a fantabulous red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" and the guy driving it was like, "Yea, I know...I love my red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" Then, I was like, "Dude, I wish I had a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!" and he was like, "Everyone wants a red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror!"

So, I just kept walking after seeing that red car with black stripes and super cool dice hanging from the rear view mirror. I was on my way to the grocery store to get bologna and grape jelly. I finally get to the store and I can't find the grape jelly! So, I go up to the counter and I'm all like, "Dude, where's the grape jelly?!" He was like, "Dude man, I don't know!" So, we're looking for the grape jelly when a man looking like a block of cheese walks in, the guy from the counter is all like, "Dude, nice cheese costume!" and the cheese guy was all like, "It's not a costume! This is the way I looked after I ate Fruit Loops!" and counter guy was all like, "Whoa man! I'm never eating Fruit Loops again! No way am I going to look like a block of cheese!" So, the cheese guy leaves and we are still looking for the grape jelly! We can't find it, so he makes me some from his grape tree out in the back of the store. So, I'm waiting for the counter guy to finish making the grape jelly, when George Bush walks in. I was all like, "Whoa! You're the president! What are you doing here?!?!" and George was all like, "Cuz, I want some grape jelly!" I was like, "Good thing the counter guy is making some right now!" So, we gave George the grape jelly, and he said that we could come to the White House and eat grape jelly sandwiches with him time!

I finally get my jelly, and I am on my way home. I totally see this girl walking down the street, and I was like, "Whoa, weren't you in my homeroom once?!" and she was all like, "No way! I've never even seen you before! Get away you grape jelly freak!" I was sooooo mad, that I just kept walking home. So, I get home and have my self a bologna and grape jelly sandwich and call up ole George Bush, and go to the White House!

-The End

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