Sunday, March 26, 2006


Things are a little off.
Dave and I are doing
pretty splendid. I must
say that this boy makes
me feel like the prince
(queen)that I am.
He is so genuine and

Another note, came home
after work on Saturday to
find out that my brother
is in a coma at the ICU
Parkview in Fort Wayne.
i don't know how i feel about it,
we weren't really close. i feel uneasy
about it. i wasn't so much affected
by it until i saw him.
thats when the tears came.
i've been kind of uneasy since.

I have to be strong for my mom.
My sisters can cry, but if I
do, my mom is going to lose
it. She has already stepped
outside of herself, so that
she is more a third party.
If she doesn't, she is going
to go insane, barrened with
pain, and saddnes.

Well, I don't have much more to say.

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