Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I dont remember when I last posted
granted the post has the date on it.
Things have been so so.
I competed at District III convention
last Friday. I got first in Impromptu.
I am excited because I now have a reason
to go to state! Yippee!!!
Dave and I are doing really well.
My affection for him growns stronger
everyday. Things I think will grow tight
in the future, but for now I am
embracing what the universe has brought
before me now.
Just the other day we did the most
romantic things. It was an incredible feeling.
School is dragging on a little bit, but I
am not letting my wits down. I need
to keep my head up and not give in.
I don't know what else to say besides
that I get to see Dave soon and I am

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