Sunday, March 26, 2006


Things are a little off.
Dave and I are doing
pretty splendid. I must
say that this boy makes
me feel like the prince
(queen)that I am.
He is so genuine and

Another note, came home
after work on Saturday to
find out that my brother
is in a coma at the ICU
Parkview in Fort Wayne.
i don't know how i feel about it,
we weren't really close. i feel uneasy
about it. i wasn't so much affected
by it until i saw him.
thats when the tears came.
i've been kind of uneasy since.

I have to be strong for my mom.
My sisters can cry, but if I
do, my mom is going to lose
it. She has already stepped
outside of herself, so that
she is more a third party.
If she doesn't, she is going
to go insane, barrened with
pain, and saddnes.

Well, I don't have much more to say.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I dont remember when I last posted
granted the post has the date on it.
Things have been so so.
I competed at District III convention
last Friday. I got first in Impromptu.
I am excited because I now have a reason
to go to state! Yippee!!!
Dave and I are doing really well.
My affection for him growns stronger
everyday. Things I think will grow tight
in the future, but for now I am
embracing what the universe has brought
before me now.
Just the other day we did the most
romantic things. It was an incredible feeling.
School is dragging on a little bit, but I
am not letting my wits down. I need
to keep my head up and not give in.
I don't know what else to say besides
that I get to see Dave soon and I am

Thursday, March 02, 2006

So, I have a three-and-a-half day weekend!!!
Half a day today (thursday)
no school tomorrow (don't have to take finals)
then no school saturday or sunday!!!
I have hung out with Dave, as usual.
Wednesdy night was our "official" date night.
We went to Taco Bell (yes to being poor!!)
Tonight, I went over to his house,
watched ER with his family.
OOOO, last night I talked on the phone
with my Randi!! How I miss that monkey...
Tomorrow night, Dave, Jen, Amber and I are
going to Cebollas to eat dinner yum yum.
Welp, I'm out, bored crapless!!