Thursday, February 22, 2007

Proposed change does not belong in the bill of rights
By Thomas Nolan
Publication Date: 02/21/07
Columnist Print View

Some Indiana lawmakers need a little education on constitutional law.

Senate Joint Resolution 7 proposes an amendment to the Indiana State Constitution stating that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman and that neither the constitution nor any other law can be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents of marriage be given to unmarried couples.

The argument against the constitutionality of this bill as law can be easily made (see Indiana State Constitution, Article 1: Bill of Rights, Sections 1 and 23). However, because this bill proposes an amendment to the state's constitution, it is necessary that a different issue be addressed. This law, right or wrong, does not belong in the constitution.

The purpose of having a constitution is to establish and maintain a system of government for Indiana and define the relationship between this government and its people. Indiana's current constitution does the following: it defines processes for government and describes its three branches; defines voting rights and practices; sets state boundaries; provides the framework for state revenues, state institutions, public education and state militia; includes rules for the state's relationship with banks and corporations and outlines a bill of rights. All of these things are necessary in order to effectively establish and maintain Indiana's democratic government.

So is a definition of marriage something that belongs in the constitution?

Absolutely not.

The constitution as it stands doesn't include any mention of marriage. It does not define either the process of obtaining legal marriage or any of the legal ramifications of marriage.

And it shouldn't. Marriage is primarily a relationship between two people. The constitution does not actually set up laws to govern the lives and practices of Indiana's citizens. What it does is set up the rules and processes for legislation. This is the first problem with the proposal.

The second is that even if marriage is a legal relationship with the state, and therefore falls under the realm of the constitution, the proposed amendment specifies which citizens can achieve this relationship and which can't. The only restriction that is placed on rights in the current constitution is that citizens being held for treason or murder charges will not be allowed the right of bail. This restriction exists undeniably for the protection of the community. There are no other restrictions on rights in the document. In fact, the introductory statement to the bill of rights says that all people are equal, and they all have equal rights. The bill of rights was written to provide protection for the rights of all people. Unless allowing homosexual couples to obtain legal marriage status presents an undeniable danger to individuals in the community, then how could adding this restriction to the bill of rights possibly fit the goals of this statement?

The final argument: Any law that restricts the application of the constitution is completely bogus. The constitution provides a framework for the legislation of Indiana. It's above the law. So how can legislators be allowed to change it so that it doesn't apply in certain cases? After stating that marriage can exist only between a man and a woman, the bill states, "this constitution ... may not be construed to require that marriage status or the incidents of marriage be conferred upon unmarried couples." Rephrased, that says the Indiana Constitution (and thus the included bill of rights) can't be used to argue that unmarried couples - including homosexuals who have not been allowed to marry - have the right to either be married or achieve a status similar to marriage. The bill effectively says that a gay marriage ban can't be declared unconstitutional, giving lawmakers a way to get around the Bill of Rights. If what the law does is right, then why should legislators need to add a loophole to the Bill of Rights in order to achieve it?

It's alarming that some of Indiana's legislators do not understand that the constitution is above the law and is not a political plaything. And what's most alarming is that the amendment is actually in danger of being passed by the state assembly and ratified in a statewide vote.

If this happens, there is no doubt in my mind that it will eventually be repealed by the population. So Indiana residents, let your representatives know that this law does not belong in the constitution. If it comes down to it, vote against the amendment - if for no other reason than to save future generations some time.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Saturday, February 17, 2007

The purpose of this post is basically to provide humor to my cousin and her fiance. They were with me the first time I got drunk, so I wanted to show them how drunk, yet again I got. This is after a round of "screw the dealer". Me, being the dealer for basically the entire game. Hence the reason I was a little more fucked up than anyone else!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Esther's viewing was yesterday (sunday)
It was good to go. I will miss her...a lot of people will.

After four hours of sleep, I went into work. I stayed
at work for eight hours...which about killed me.
After that, I walked 20 min to class to find out that
it was cancelled (yay!!) so I went back and took
a four hour nap. I definitely needed it.

I just feel kind of bleh right now.
Some people are pissing me off
with the way they are treating me...

I'm irritated with some of my brothers in my frat...
just a bunch of bullshit is going down...

and I still think I'm going to be single for the rest of my life
especially since the state passed the bill the second time
to amend the constitution making same sex marriage illegal.
Now we shall have to see what 2008 will bring...WAR!! haha jk!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

its snowing...

Its snowing outside...

Poor little squirrel huddled against the tree

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I got a little distracted while studying...
I actually like this picture.
April, what do you think?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


soo thanks to my cousin's training on how to
recognize fraud emails
and thanks to the idiot who sent it
because purdue totally ruined their html code
so when they had the link, it showed where the
link was actually suppose to go with the intention of having
something like "click here to change password"
i managed to avoid a difficult situation
and I told chase about it!!

ne ways...thanks april...LOVE!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

5:10 AM

So its 5:10 in the morning and
I've been tossing and turning
all night long.
My neck is soar,
my eyes hurt,
my stomach hurts.

I haven't a decent week's
sleep since I quit smoking.
I'm not complaining about
the smoking, it was a good
choice, but I wish withdrawal
or whatever the hell wasn't
such a bitch sometimes.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I have discovered that one of my new favorite drinks
is Jungle Juice! I was sooooo wasted drinking that shit.
Last night was pretty good. After Rush 001, I met Josh
at Hookah where I wished Michael a Happy Birthday.
Then Josh, Rob, and I drove back to Crawfordsville.
We went to this really crazy house party that was jammed
packed full of people. It was really ridiculous, but hey FREE DRINKS!

I came back this morning where I have basically been putting
myself back together. Had lunch, a little homework, some laundry.
Tonight I think that I am going to stay in (no partying)
and maybe do some homework. Maybe Melissa will want to see Dreamgirls...hmm.
Welp, I'm off. Shower time!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


So, I'm trying to quit smoking.
Its kind of hard and definitely killing me.
I have successfully gone 38 hrs w/o one.
I'm getting more tired.
A little more edgy.
I feel sick, like I have a fever.
I am eating like tons more (booo)

but it will be better if I can remain clean.

I am going on a date with a boy tomorrow night.
He attends Wabash College. We had a date
Monday night, which was really good.
He is very intellectual, smart, cute,
funny, great personality, a little high maintenance,
but, HELLO!! SO AM I!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


so I officially decided that I am done killing people hehe.
I'm just thankful I didn't get any of their nasty cunt filled blood
on my good jeans!
Anyways, its snowing today.
Its all white and puffy...almost want to eat it!
Remember, don't eat it if its not white, yet alone yellow.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Ok, so last semester was a BIG mistake.
This semester I have to turn things around,
which I have tried to start off good habits this first wk.

I am at least 1 wk ahead in math, a lecture ahead in psychology,
and well the other classes are don't have the much leeway with.

but what annoys the hell out of me is the people in my hall way and my roommate.
I'm sitting here minding my own business and there is noise EVERYWHERE!!
My roommate has his music/computer up loud. He has the TV on and up loud.
One end of the hallways, someone has their amp and guitar up loud.
On the other end, someone has their stereo up loud.
Seriously, have people not heard of resprect (or maybe I'm just a bitch)

So, I'm again in my room, but stu
dying and was for the past hour when my roommate comes in and starts talking to me and blah blah blah (mind you, that I was reading psychology)
Then he turns on the TV full blast (still studying, have been for myself for like an hour) and
he leaves the room. Comes back, the leaves again. Comes back, then leaves again.

But anyways, I'm done studying for right now. My brain is tired and so am I!